(repo, dataIds, matchRadius=None, safeSnr=50.0, verbose=False)[source]¶ Bases:
Container for matched star catalogs from multple visits, with filtering, summary statistics, and modelling.
MatchedMultiVisitDataset instances are serializable to JSON.
Parameters: repo : string
The repository. This is generally the directory on disk that contains the repository and mapper.
dataIds : list of dict
List of butler data IDs of Image catalogs to compare to reference. The calexp cpixel image is needed for the photometric calibration.
matchRadius : afwGeom.Angle(), optional
Radius for matching. Default is 1 arcsecond.
safeSnr : float, optional
Minimum median SNR for a match to be considered “safe”.
verbose : bool, optional
Output additional information on the analysis steps.
filterName (str) Name of filter used for all observations. mag (ndarray) Mean PSF magnitudes of stars over multiple visits (magnitudes). magerr (ndarray) Median 1-sigma uncertainty of PSF magnitudes over multiple visits (magnitudes). magrms RMS of PSF magnitudes over multiple visits (magnitudes). snr Median signal-to-noise ratio of PSF magnitudes over multiple visits (magnitudes). dist RMS of sky coordinates of stars over multiple visits (milliarcseconds). goodMatches all good matches, as an afw.table.GroupView; good matches contain only objects whose detections all have 1. a PSF Flux measurement with S/N > 1 2. a finite (non-nan) PSF magnitude. This separate check is largely to reject failed zeropoints. 3. and do not have flags set for bad, cosmic ray, edge or saturated Not serialized. safeMatches safe matches, as an afw.table.GroupView. Safe matches are good matches that are sufficiently bright and sufficiently compact. Not serialized. magKey Key for “base_PsfFlux_mag” in the goodMatches and safeMatches catalog tables. Not serialized.